
Terms and Conditions of Use


Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) carefully before using this website and any pitbull content on social media sites (including without limit Facebook and Twitter) (together, the “Site”). These Terms and Conditions apply to all visits and use of the Site, as well as to the Content (as defined below), information, recommendations, products and/or services provided to you on or through the Site. By accessing and using the Site, you signify your consent to these Terms and Conditions in their entirety in addition to any other law or regulation that applies to the Site and the Internet. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions in their entirety, please leave the Site.


You may not without the prior written permission of pitbull, use any of this: computer code, data mining software, “robot”, “bot”, “spider”, “scraper” or other automatic device, or program, algorithm or methodology having similar processes or functionality, or any manual process to:

  1. monitor or copy any of the Software, web pages, data or Content found on this Site or accessed through this Site;
  2. gain access to or participate in any promotion, contest or sale; or
  3. place orders for or purchase any pitbull product(s). You may not engage in the mass downloading of files from this Site; use the computer processing power of this Site for purposes other than those permitted, or flood this Site with electronic traffic designed to slow or stop its operation. You may not establish links to or from other websites to this Site without the prior written consent of pitbull. pitbull reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel orders placed by and/or block you or other users of the Site who engage in any activity which pitbull believes is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. 


The Site is operated by P.B.W.C. SP. Z O.O. Kolonia 12, 62-085, Potrzanowo, Wielkopolska, Polska (“pitbull”).


All of the content featured or displayed on or through the Site, including, but not limited to, logos, icons, trade marks, text, graphics, photographs, images, moving images, sound, illustrations, software, and other information (“Content”) is owned by pitbull, its affiliated companies, its licensors or its content providers, as applicable. All elements of the Site including, but not limited to, the general design and the Content, may be protected by copyright, moral rights, database rights, trade mark and other laws relating to intellectual property or other rights. Except as explicitly permitted under these Terms and Conditions or another agreement with pitbull, no portion or element of the Site or its Content may be copied or retransmitted via any means. The Site, its Content and all related rights shall remain the exclusive property of pitbull, its affiliated companies, its licensors, or its content providers, as applicable, unless otherwise expressly agreed. All such rights are reserved.



All rights in the Content, including copyright, are and remain owned by pitbull, its affiliated companies, its licensors, or content providers, as applicable. Except as may be otherwise indicated within the Site, you are authorised to view, play, print and download Content found on the Site for personal, informational, and non-commercial purposes only. You may not modify any of the Content and you may not copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any Content. You may not re-use any Content without first obtaining the written consent of pitbull. The use of any Content on any other website or networked computer environment is prohibited. You may not remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices from Content found on the Site.


In the event you download software (including but not limited to screensavers, smart phone applications, icons, videos and wallpapers) from the Site, the software, including but not limited to any files, images incorporated in or generated by the software, and data accompanying the software (collectively, the “Software”) are licensed to you by pitbull. pitbull does not transfer title to the Software to you. You own the medium on which the Software is recorded, but pitbull retains full and complete title to the Software, and all intellectual property rights therein. You may not redistribute, sell, de-compile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-readable form.  Your use of the Software may be subject to additional terms and conditions.


The Site and the Content are provided “as is” and without any warranties of any kind. The Content on the Site is for general information purposes only, and does not constitute advice.

pitbull does not represent or warrant that the Content and/or facilities contained on the Site are accurate, complete or current, or that the Site or the server that makes the Site available are free of viruses or any other harmful components. Further, pitbull will not provide for specific IT infrastructure or connectivity. Thus, pitbull does not represent or warrant that the Site will be uninterrupted or error free. pitbull does not make any warranties or representations regarding the use of the Content on the Site in terms of its correctness, accuracy, adequacy, usefulness, timeliness, reliability or otherwise, in each case to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.


Your use of the Site is entirely at your own risk. pitbull, its affiliated companies, licensors and content providers,  and any of their respective employees, officers, directors or agents, and any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering the Site or any Content shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the Content or the Site, including damages caused by viruses or any incorrectness or incompleteness of the Content on the Site, or the performance of the products or otherwise arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, even if pitbull has been advised of the possibility of any such damages.

Please note that some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of certain damages under mandatory law, so some of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to you.


For your convenience and to improve the usage of the Site, links to sites that are owned and controlled by third parties may be provided from time to time. These links take you outside pitbull’ service and off the Site and are beyond pitbull’ control. This includes links to our partners, who may use the Trade Marks. The sites you can link to may have their own separate terms and conditions as well as a privacy policy. pitbull is not responsible and cannot be held liable for the content and activities of these sites, or your use of them. You therefore visit, access and use these sites entirely at your own risk.

Please note that these other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect data or solicit personal information, and you are therefore advised to check the terms of use, privacy policies, or any other terms and conditions on those sites prior to using them.
Misuse of the Site

You are prohibited from using the Site to post or transmit any User Generated Content (as defined below) which infringes or may infringe third party intellectual property or other rights or which is threatening, false, misleading, inflammatory, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, pornographic, abusive, discriminating, illegal or which could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, violate the rights of any party or which may otherwise give rise to civil liability or violate any law. pitbull may deny you access to the Site at any time in its sole discretion, and which shall include situations where pitbull believes that your use of the Site is or may be in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions and/or applicable laws.

You are also prohibited from using the Site to advertise or perform any commercial solicitation.



All opinions, remarks, comments, artwork, graphics, photographs, links, questions, suggestions, information, videos and other materials that you or other users of the Site post to the Site or transmit using the Site (“User Generated Content”) will be deemed non-confidential and non-proprietary. Accordingly, pitbull shall have the non-exclusive, royalty-free, right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties any


User Generated Content for any purpose, in any medium and throughout the world (“License”).  You acknowledge and agree that pitbull only acts as a passive conduit for the distribution of the User Generated Content and is not responsible or liable to you or to any third party for the content or accuracy of the User Generated Content. pitbull does not continuously monitor User Generated Content published by you or moderating between users, nor shall pitbull be under an obligation to do so. However, pitbull reserves the right to do so from time to time, in its sole discretion. Without limit to the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that any remarks, opinions, comments, suggestions and other information expressed or included in the User Generated Content do not necessarily represent those of pitbull. Any use by you of the User Generated Content is entirely at your own risk. You represent and warrant that any User Generated


Content posted or transmitted by you is original to you and does not copy the work of any third party or otherwise infringe any third party intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or personal, or other rights of third parties, does not contain any defamatory or disparaging statements and does not otherwise violate the Terms and Conditions. Furthermore, you represent and warrant that you have the capacity to grant the License as stipulated in this paragraph. You agree to indemnify and keep pitbull, its affiliated companies, licensors and content providers harmless against all costs, expenses, damages, losses and liabilities incurred or suffered by pitbull,  its affiliated companies, licensors and content providers related to any User Generated Content posted or transmitted by you, or otherwise through your use of the Site.


pitbull reserves the right at its sole discretion to block or remove (in whole or part) any User Generated Content posted or transmitted by you and which pitbull believes is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (including User Generated Content which infringes or may infringe third party intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or personality or other rights), or is otherwise unacceptable to pitbull.

You agree to promptly notify pitbull in writing (see How to Contact Us below for contact details) of any User Generated Content (or other Content) which you believe breaches or might breach these Terms and Conditions. You agree to provide to pitbull sufficient information to enable pitbull to investigate whether such User Generated Content (or other Content) breaches these Terms and Conditions. pitbull agrees to make good faith efforts to investigate such report and shall take such action as pitbull in its sole discretion decides. However, pitbull does not warrant or represent that it will block or remove (in whole or part) such User Generated Content or other Content.


pitbull maintains the policy of not reviewing or accepting any unsolicited submissions of ideas, inventions, designs and/or other materials related to pitbull business (including without limit footwear, apparel, sporting goods and services) whether consisting of texts, images, sounds, software, information or otherwise (the “Materials”) from persons external to pitbull. You should therefore not post any Materials on the Site or send these to pitbull by e-mail or otherwise.



If you have any questions or comments about the Site or these Terms and Conditions or in the event that you wish to make a complaint or report regarding the Site (or its Content), then please contact us.



pitbull reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms and Conditions at any time. Please check these Terms and Conditions periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to these Terms and Conditions will mean you accept those changes.


Each provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be construed separately and independently of each other. If any provision is deemed invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable from and shall not affect the enforceability of any of the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions.


If you want to order products via the Site, you must also read and agree to the Terms. 

You may only purchase or order items for personal, non-commercial and legal purposes. No other uses are permitted.



In order to help protect you and pitbull from fraudulent transactions, pitbull may provide your transaction-related information to third party organizations to perform an address verification. This address verification is to help ensure that the "bill to" address provided matches your credit card address. pitbull also reserves the right, at its discretion, not to ship items ordered or purchased on this Website to certain addresses or areas. In the event that pitbull chooses not to ship an item or is not able to ship an item, you will be notified by email and any amount charged to your credit card will be refunded.


All claims arising in connection with the use of our site will be considered by Polish courts.


These terms of use and all disputes and claims arising out of or in connection with their subject or creation (including non-contractual disputes and claims) are regulated and interpreted in accordance with Polish law.